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AC Lines are cold but the Evaporator is warm

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We are currently troubleshooting a electric AC install on a Porsche 964.

The current issue we are having is that the evaporator rarely gets below 22 deg C once the system is heatsoaked, even though the LP lines are ice cold. The LP pressure is also extremely high at 4 to 6 Bar. HP pressure is normal 10 to 11 bar.

We have tried replacing the the evaporator block and we have double check that everything is plumbed correctly. The ECU seems to be working as it should.

We are not really sure where to go from here, any advice would be appreciated.

Greetings from Germany


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Are your condenser fans running and producing hot air?  The hot air must be able to get away freely  - not be blocked or trapped in the wheel arch.  

Is the drier connected the right way round?  It is either marked with a direction arrow or the inlet is marked IN. 

How much gas?   



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We have the double condensor set up. Both are warm. The both Fans do come on. Both wheel arch liners have been modified to allowed for more airflow but r currently not fitted while we are troubleshooting. 

The dryer has no markings on it. But I'll double check.


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